It took me awhile to figure it out, but I figured out how to run the liquibase logging through slf4j/log4j/logback etc, for Liquibase 3.0.8. There’s an easy way and a hard way. The easy way is just the hard way pre-packaged as a jar for you. You’ll understand.

The easy way

Drop in a jar called liquibase-slf4j, by Matt Bertolini, and configure its class logging through slf4j instead. In my case I’m using slf4j-log4j12 on top of that so I configure everything log4j style (make sure you have log4j on your classpath!).

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16-05-2015: The code of this post was turned into a GitHub project called angular-logger

Let’s start by prepending timestamp and class name

Recently I’ve been on the lookout for a way to configure Angular’s logging module. Specifically, I wanted its output prepended with a date and a context string, say a ‘class’ name or name of the controller doing the logging.

Something like this (example from java):
"2013-12-23 19:44:39,619 INFO [java.sql.DatabaseMetaData]: Table not found: Employees"

Also, if we enable per-class loggers, how can we mute logging for certain classes?

What I found was a rather… extensive a solution utilizing Angular’s built in support for decorators. Ofcourse, the fact it actually works is great and it’s a nice insight into some advanced javascript and Angular concepts (I especially found the requirejs / angular combo of interest), but I think it can be much much simpler.

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